
Planning applications notified to KLWCC by Angus Council.

Planning Applications submitted week ending: 01/02/25
Application ReferenceDescriptionPeriod before determination, to:
24/00758/FULLChange of Use of Land for the Erection of a Glamping Pod for Tourism Accommodation, Formation of Vehicular Parking and Turning Area, Erection of Bicycle and Recycling/Refuse Stores and Ancillary Works
At: Viewmount Glen Isla Blairgowrie PH11 8QH

To view full details go to Angus Council Public Access Application Search and enter the application number in the search box. You can also submit comments supporting or objecting to any application.

Previous applications 2023/22 (latest first)
Application ReferenceDescriptionPeriod before determination, to:
24/00696/FULLErection of House and Ancillary Works
At: Land 140M NE Of Whitehills Farm Glen Isla
24/00517/PRIORNPrior Notification for Forestry-Related Building Works (Non-Residential) - Formation of Vehicular Turning Point
At: Land 300M South Of Glenmarkie Lodge Glenmarkie Glen Isla
24/00593/LBCExternal and Internal Alterations to Dwellinghouse
At: Knockshannoch House Knockshannoch Glen Isla Blairgowrie PH11 8PE
24/00614/FULLProposed erection of a dwellinghouse, detached garage, 2 workshop/garage buildings and associated works
At: Viewbank Westbank Westmuir Kirriemuir DD8 5LR
24/00539/FULL & 24/00540/LBCAlterations and Extension to House
At: School Cottage Kirkton Road Airlie Kirriemuir DD8 5NP
24/00520/PRIORNPrior Notification for Farm-related Building Works (Non-residential)
At: Pluckerston Farm Logie Kirriemuir DD8 5PF
24/00454/FULLSingle storey wrap around extension and installation of Air Source Heat Pump
At: Clintlaw Farmhouse Lintrathen Kirriemuir DD8 5JF
24/00456/FULLRemoval of existing timber raised deck and replace with stone clad, slab finished deck
At: Easter Cammock Farm Glen Isla Blairgowrie PH11 8PF
24/00302/LBC & 24/00303/FULLExternal and Internal Alterations to House
At: Lintrathen House Main Lodge Lintrathen Kirriemuir DD8 5JJ
4/00413/FULLErection of a dwelling (change in house design)
At: Land At West Lochside Kinnordy Kirriemuir
24/00368/PRIORNPrior notification for forestry-related building works (non-residential)
At: Newcraig Plantation Kilry
24/00369/PRIORNPrior notification for demolition of buildings
At: Viewbank Westbank Westmuir Kirriemuir DD8 5LR
24/00271/PRIORNPrior Notification for Peatland Restoration
At: Backwater Peatland Restoration Area Glen Isla Grid Ref E:328933 N:765310
24/00344/PRIORNPrior Notification for Peatland Restoration
At: Subsites A And B Backwater Peatland Restoration Area Glen Isla Grid Ref E:323825 N:768319
24/00337/FULLRestoration, alterations and extension to cottage
At: Sawmill Cottage Lintrathen Kirriemuir DD8 5JF
23/00883/FULLDemolish existing extensions to house and erect a new rear extension to house
At: Bellaty Cottage Glen Isla Blairgowrie PH11 8QH
24/00325/FULLChange of Use from Steading to Office and External Alterations
At: Kinnordy Home Farm Kinnordy Kirriemuir
24/00009/FULLExternal and internal alterations to form office
At: Kinnordy Home Farm Kinnordy Kirriemuir
24/00305/PRIORNApproval of matters specified in condition 1 a), b), c), d) and e) of application 22/00174/PPPL including the design and external appearance of the building; the means of access; the boundary enclosures and a scheme of hard and soft landscaping; the existing and proposed ground levels and finished floor levels; and the means of foul and surface water drainage
At: Causewayend Cottage Kinnordy Kirriemuir DD8 4RG
24/00009/FULLChange of use of access track for erection of porch, as well as other alterations to dwelling and alterations and extension to existing detached outbuilding
At: 3 Balbirnie Cottages Ruthven Blairgowrie PH12 8RG
24/00305/PRIORNPrior Notification for Forestry-Related Building Works (Non-Residential) - Formation of Quad Access Track
At: Quad Track Backwater Reservoir Glen Isla
24/00133/FULL & 24/00134/LBCChange of Use from a Museum and Observatory to a Short Term Let (Tourism Accommodation) including Alterations and Extension and Ancillary Works
At: Museum And Observatory Kinnordy House Kinnordy Kirriemuir
24/00266/PRIORNPrior Notification for Peatland Restoration
At: Phase 2 Peatland Restoration Area Folda Glen Isla
24/00254/PPPLPlanning permission in principle for the erection of 10 houses including redevelopment of a brownfield site and ancillary works
At: Land To West Of Bridgend Farmhouse Ruthven
24/00137/PRIORNPrior Notification for Farm-Related Building Works (Non-Residential) - Erection of a Cattle Shed
At: Greenmyre Farm Kingoldrum Kirriemuir DD8 5HY
24/00251/FULSingle-storey extension to side of dwellinghouse to replace existing conservatory
At: White Cottage Newton Of Airlie Airlie Kirriemuir DD8 5NN
24/00070/FULLFormation of Vehicular Accesses, Turning Areas and Laybys Associated with Forestry Operations
At: Various Estate Access Roads Glen Prosen
24/00017/FULLInternal alterations, removal of porch, erection of single storey extension and decking on front elevation of house. Installation of ASHP on side elevation
At: Clintlaw Farmhouse Lintrathen Kirriemuir DD8 5JF
24/00068/FULLExtension to existing Garage
At: Baitlands Airlie Kirriemuir DD8 5NP
24/00009/FULLAlterations to exisitng dwelling to create new dining/sitting room, replacement front porch, new en-suite to first floor. Garage conversion to create new seating area & office study space
At: 3 Balbirnie Cottages Ruthven Blairgowrie PH12 8RG
23/00864/FULLExtension to rear of house
At: Old Schoolhouse Westbank Westmuir Kirriemuir DD8 5LR

Archived planning applications for previous year. Note that it is possible that some applications are still in the process of being determined or subject to appeal, particularly those relating to wind farms.